Brake Caliper services

Step 1
Get a price estimate by clicking here. Once you’ve applied, you should receive a price estimate within 1 working hour. While you wait, check out our Turnaround Times as well as our Ts & Cs.

Step 2
If you’re sending your calipers to us by post, pack the calipers in a secure box and enclose a copy of your price estimate. If you can’t print your quote, just enclose a note including your contact details so we know who the calipers belong to! For reliable next day shipping at about £11.00, use Parcel2go.

Step 4
If you’ve sent your calipers to us by post, next is the assessment stage. Once your calipers have had their assessment/functional check by our technician, we’ll be in touch by phone to let you know what we found, if anything, and what changes that might mean.

Step 5
Sit back and relax! We’re working hard to finish your calipers to your requirements. You can contact us for updates at any time, calling on  01159 722 668 or e-mailing us at We usually complete jobs within 24 hours as we have 98% of parts in stock at our factory workshop. Every once in a while, we have to order parts and another day or two might be added.
You’ll receive an e-mail to notify you that the calipers are ready to be shipped or collected.

Step 6
You’ve got your calipers back – great!

If you’re happy with the service you received, please leave us review on Facebook, Google, Trustpilot and If for any reason you aren’t happy with the service you’ve received, contact us by e-mail or phone and we’ll do what we can to put things right.